Media & Advertising

Deals We Like works with many partners in the travel industry and provides a great way to reach other travel-centric families via social media and blog posts. I love writing about anything related to travel and deals. This involves trip reviews (family, girls getaways, couples), earning and redeeming points, money saving tips, discounted products and experiences, and products that make the travel experience that much better!

You can learn more about me in my About page. I can be contacted at for additional information and to request my media kit.

Media & Advertising Offered

If you have a travel location, travel-related credit card offer, or product that you think would be a good fit for my blog, I offer the following opportunities:

Brand Ambassadorship

If you are looking to get your voice out, I am happy to work with you to represent your brand. I love working with brands that are a good fit for the blog and ones that I would personally use and endorse.


I love being able to give my readers products or travel getaways. If you are looking to give away an item that would be relevant to my blog readers, I am happy to work with you to see if it would be a good fit.

Hosted Travel

To be able to write about a certain hotel or destination, I need to experience it first hand! Most of my travel includes vacations with my kids, although at times my husband and I are able to getaway just the two of us as well. For media trips, please contact me as I’d love to work with you to highlight a specific travel vacation!

Deals We Like Stats

As of January 1, 2019:

  • Twitter followers: 17,800
  • Facebook followers: 5,100
  • Monthly page views: 300,000

Brands I’ve Worked With

Here is a sample of the brands I’ve worked with in the past:

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6 years ago

Probable Typo:
“My passion (and obsession!) for travel deals and points started over nine years ago the day I graduated college and took a job in management consulting. I’d spend every Monday through Thursday hotel hoping and embarking on long plane rides just to earn the extra points and miles. Since I was traveling all the time I decided that I was really going to take advantage of the points and miles game…”

While you may have been hoping for an upgraded hotel room, I think you were hopping (two Ps) from hotel to hotel 😉

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